About Me

 Hey there! I'm Lotta, a mama on a mission to help you ditch the clutter and embrace the power of "less is more." Motherhood is a beautiful, messy, and often overwhelming journey. But what if we could simplify?

Here at Less is More Mama, I believe less stuff leads to more:

  • More time: Spend less time cleaning, organizing, and managing possessions, and more time creating memories with your little ones.
  • More peace: Reduce the chaos that comes with clutter and create a calm, stress-free environment for yourself and your family.
  • More joy: Focus on experiences, intentional living, and the things that truly matter.

I'm not here to tell you to live in a bare-bones box (though, power to you if that's your jam!). Instead, I want to empower you to find what works best for your family. We'll explore tips for decluttering, creating a minimalist mindset, and navigating motherhood with less. Join me on this journey to a calmer, more joyful life – because less truly is more, mama! 😊


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